Hell knight doom 1

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This can lead to many destructive events, all of which benefit them on conquering worlds. The demons with their presence bring their reality with them, 'hellifying' the environment. Powers and Abilities: Enhanced Senses, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Natural Weaponry, Plasma Manipulation, Reality Warping (Passive. Gender: Male-like physique, presumed genderless These beings are eyeless and malformed, maintaining a completely flat face (although they function very well). The Hell Knight (or Knight of Hell, if you prefer) is a subordinate to the Baron of Hell and is comparable to it in physical strength. Requiring little compulsion on behalf of its highborne masters, Hell Knights readily serve the Elder Hell-gods for the extent of their lifespans, reaping great satisfaction in the way of war and desecration. Rare among demon-kind for its innate regard from primal orders of hierarchy, the Hell Knight exhibits adherence to the prevailing rule of its demonlord masters. As imposed by the sovereign houses, Hell Knights have long served as barbaric enforcers of the Netherworld, impelling lesser demons by way of brutality. The Hell Knight, warrior beast among demons, has earned its place over the millennia in service of the eternal Archdemons.